Friday, August 20, 2010


Lucy went to visit another autistic boy today.  He was very different.  He is non-communicative and seemingly disengaged from the physical world.  His mom was hoping that he would react to Lucy, but he barely seemed to notice.  He did have a brother and sister who were very interested in petting, feeding, and romping in the backyard with Lucy, so not all was lost.  The mom was apologetic, but of course I wasn't upset or anything.  Lucy had some good fun playing with kids, and that's important for her to learn and get comfortable with.

We did meet up with the boy from the last post again.  We met in a park where he paraded Lucy around.  She was struggling against him at first, and managed to wriggle out of her collar!  But we got her back and she cooperated and then ran around the park with him.  He was a little rough with her, but she seemed to take it ok.

I hope she enjoys being a therapy dog.  She does usually get lots of bellyrubs and treats out of the deal, so I can't imagine she's unhappy.  But if I see something that makes her upset or uncomfortable, I need to be honest about it, and I feel like maybe I should have spoken up at the park.  I'm still learning, though.  Hopefully we'll get to visit some big facilities soon so she can get a breadth of experiences.


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